Your Experience Gets Better & Better Over Time

Stay Ahead with Upcoming Releases
Be in the know about the hottest movies set to hit theaters.

Explore and Discover
Delve into a diverse film library—actors, directors, genres, and more.

Powered by TheMovieDb.org
Enjoy accurate, up-to-date info via the extensive TMDB database.

Release Dates & Trailers
Plan movie nights easily by checking release dates and trailers.

Personalized Watchlist
Keep track of every film you’re eager to see—all in one place.

Intuitive Design
Enjoy a clean, user-friendly interface for hassle-free browsing.

AI Chatbot Recommendations
Get personalized movie & series tips instantly from our built-in chatbot.

Advanced Filtering
Narrow your search by genre, rating, year, and more—finding perfect picks faster.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is MoFlex?
MoFlex is your dedicated movie guide. It allows you to access the latest and upcoming releases with a user-friendly interface on your mobile—completely free, no sign-up required!
Is MoFlex safe?
Yes, MoFlex is safe to use. The plugin feature can be created by you or third-party developers. Because the plugin doesn’t run executable code on your device, there’s minimal risk.
How does the plugin feature work?
MoFlex operates as a search engine for plugins. Once installed, a plugin can let you stream content within the app—giving you access to a variety of video sources.
What can I watch here?
You can watch Movies, TV shows, Anime, and more via plugins. The possibilities are endless.
Can I cast to my TV?
Yes, you can cast video to any TV that supports Chromecast (if the plugin supports our internal player API).
Can I download a video and watch offline?
Yes, if a plugin’s source supports it. MoFlex’s internal player API can handle downloads for offline viewing.